“One night to be confused; one night to speed up truth.”

I’m attempting to write a blog now, but I’m not sure how far it will progress.  This is mainly due to the fact that I’m not seeing things quite as soberly as I normally would, which is strange, as I’ve only had 3 drinks in the past 5 hours.*

Tonight–and this week as a whole, really–have been fairly interesting.  Yesterday, I played Truth or Dare during my English Challenge class, and the range of questions posed were between, “Can you speak Chinese?” to “Do you play the piano?”  The most popular dare was definitely to sing and dance (with some dares being just singing; others just dancing).  Today, we played “Two truths and a lie,” and let’s just leave it at that I one.  However, one of my student’s “truths” was that her sister is “really old;” i.e. she is 26.

We went to a fascinating beer garden tonight that had dressed itself up as best it could to look like a South East Asian establishment (shame it didn’t dress up it’s prices to match).  It was actually quite charming (I took a picture, but it basically looks like a building under construction), and my mayo-ebi salad(ish) was delicious.  However, my stomach started to feel a bit weird later, and I’m pretty sure it’s because they don’t de-poop their shrimp in Japan, and we all know I have a weak stomach. So my co-worker M and I broke away before the others to head back early, but on the way to the station, M said, “”Shall we do purikura?”  which I just can’t say no to.

We followed the suggested pose for…well, all of them.

Finally, I caught the train, and as luck would have it, I caught a seat as well.  Since I knew the terminal station was Shiki, I put my headphones in and fell asleep.  The next thing I know, I’m being roused by a security guard to let me know the train was empty, and I abruptly jumped up and ran off the train.  Tonight was the first time I’ve ever fallen asleep like that; I may have been sleeping with my head tllted back and my mouth open; but who can tell?

I waited for the next train to come, and it seemed to take forever.  As it pulled in, I began to wish it had–in the compartment of the oncoming train that I was in queue for was one of my students.  I would hesitate to say she is my worst, so let’s just say she’s not my star student.  Which is not to say I don’t like her–she makes an effort and all, but in today’s two person class…well, I was glad when it ended.  But she is so fashionable; she’s probably my best dressed student.

In my head I was thinking, “Now what is she up to so late at night?”  Then I checked my watch and discovered it was only 10:30, which made me feel pretty old.  As the doors opened and she got off, I wasn’t sure if she would see me; and for a moment, it looked like I might be in the clear, but then she suddenly looked to her side and said, “Jillian!”  (because who am I kidding?  I must be the only blonde in a mile radius).  Now, my mind went through a panic about which language to go with, and in the end, I pointed down the tracks and said, “Tsuruse!”  (my station), followed by, “Have a good niiiiight!”  I have no idea if she replied or not, but I imagine Monday should be interesting.

*Not saying I had those drinks spread out over 5 hours…