Week Last, 1st Half: Moving Out

Apologies all around; I haven’t updated recently due to my time in Japan winding down; it is a known fact that when departure looms and things start winding down, time starts speeding up.  I have just  a few short hours before I have to be out of my apartment (and before which happens, I need to pass an inspection), so I have to keep this short.  I figured the best way to do a moving out post was to show you the apartment that I am moving out of.  So without further ado, here is Villa Seine:


It’s a bit gloomy looking, but only because my flash isn’t working.


The window is also my backdoor, which you have seen from previous posts.


My table and soft cream ad. Which reminds me; I have to take that down.


Another shot with my computer/TV combo. It was one or the other, folks; and it was always the computer.


Loft, ladder, and living room.

Also, my apartment is fairly big for a single person apartment.  It actually feels much more spacious than my old place.The downstairs room is probably 6 tatami mat (there’s a fun conversion unit).  My loft was actually very long; the length of my hallway/kitchen, and tall enough for me to sit up in.  

 I will be sad to go; but I’m glad I could stay.