
My name is Jillian.  I’m sure that all 3 of my readers want to find out more information about me, so I’ve decided to interview myself (which I feel is a strong suit of mine; as I constantly have dialogues with myself anyway).

Jillian:  So nice of you to be here.  So.  Nice.

Jillian:  Absolutely.  I mean; it’s Saturday night, what else have I got going on?

Jillian:  I know, right?  Anyway, let’s get down to brass tacks.  Where are you now?

Jillian:  I’m in Japan.  It’s quite good.

Jillian:  Ho ho ho!  I bet!  Anything interesting to remark on?

Jillian:  Um…I lost my phone last night.

Jillian:  Alright, starting off with a bit of a downer; bold move.

Jillian:  I feel like most of them are.

Jillian:  Anyway, back to the questions!  Why Japan?

Jillian:  If I had 10 yen  for every time I got that question, I could probably afford 2 Pepsi Nexs!  But basically, I love Japan, I like traveling, and I like teaching, so it all works out.

Jillian:  Groovy.  Now, what food do you recommend?

Jillian: Hoo boy; it’s more like, “What food do I NOT recommend?”  No, seriously; don’t eat tororo, natto, okra, or uni.  Some of my absolute favorite foods come from Japan, but so do some of the overwhelmingly worst foods I’ve ever eaten.

Jillian:  Noted.  Though since we are the same person, I’ve unfortunately already partaken in all of those.

Jillian:  Word.

Jillian: Next up: Where is you favorite place to go in Tokyo?

Jillian:  This is a toughie.  There are of course the main city centers; I would say I probably end up in Shinjuku the most, but I think Shibuya is the most interesting.  However, I feel like I’ve had a lot of kind of weird/heavy experiences in Shibuya, so I don’t always feel that positive when I go there.  But I love other offbeat neighborhoods – Kichijoji is amazing, as it has funky stores and Inokashira park; Harajuku/Yoyogi always remind me of Spring picnics; but I think my favorite area is Tama Center, since it’s such a peaceful place where I only have good memories.

Jillian: Yeah, it’s good.

Jillian: So good.

Jillian:  Really good.

Jillian:  Okay, last one for now; is Japan really as cray-cray as everyone thinks?

Jillian:  Personally, I don’t think so.  You do find the weird stuff every once in awhile, like the very creepy life sized child dolls that are sold in sex shops, but when it comes to people, I think the Japanese are a very solid and kind people.  They have different ways of thinking that can be frustrating or refreshing, but they deserve to be defined by more than just the deviants in their culture.



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