Just a note…

I’ve mentioned this before, but the name of this blog comes from the times when my mom panics if she hasn’t heard from me in a week, and starts writing “Where is Jillian?” on my facebook wall, or sends me emails with this subject line, etc. I’m mentioning it again because my mom often starts panicking without actually messaging me, so that I have no idea she is worried. Then, out of nowhere, I will get an email from her about how terrified she is that I haven’t called her, followed almost immediately by one from my brother which reiterates her words.

Candy, for those of you who don’t know my mom’s name, is a really kind person, but she can get a little caught up in certain ideas. So, if she calls you (this applies to Californian friends mostly) to ask where I am, all you need to do is reassure her that it is highly unlikely that I have been murdered, and that if she hasn’t heard from me, she should try skyping me at a time when I’m not likely to be sleeping. Also, it would be nice if you threw in the advice that she should stop watching shows like 48 hours, CSI, Law and Order, Cold Case, etc. That’s all; thaaanks!

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