My bags are packed; I’m ready to go…

Today marks the official one-week-countdown to my Japan departure; I will be gone until August 20th (though there will probably be some non-Japan traveling in there as well).  In honor of that, I’ve begun this blog!  Hurrah!

So for this year, my resolution was to visit a new place every month.  I have been made it to these places domestically:

-Arizona (Phoenix & Flagstaff)
-New Mexico (Albuquerque)
-Texas (Lots: Marfa, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas…)
-Oklahoma (Olustee; or as I like to call it, “Ol’ Lusty”)
-Nevada (Las Vegas, of course)

Internationally, I’ve made it to:

-The UK (England: London, Bristol, Sheffield, Manchester; Scotland: Edinburgh)
-Spain (Madrid, Toledo)
-Germany (Stuttgart)

So I’m going to (try and) be faithful about updating twice a week, but…we’ll see, hohoho!  Since it is my last week in the US, I might get distracted by packing and good-bye parties (and let’s be honest–ANTM marathons), but I will do my best!  がんばります! And see you soon.